
When most of us think of start-ups, we remember the 2010 movie “The Social Network”. We envision a new and upcoming company creating its vision for the workplace. Start-ups appeal to many who want a forward-thinking company and are still building its structure and work culture. That way, a start-up employee gets a say in how the company evolves, and change is flexible. 

Tech may be one of the fields most thought of when it comes to start-ups, but a start-up can be in any field of business. Start-up companies usually have a founder who thinks of a new idea that addresses a particular challenge. Because of this fresh approach, they can raise capital from investors to launch or grow their business model. 

As start-ups are seen as forward-thinkers, they are looking for employees who are the best fit for their business and are open to hiring for work abroad jobs.

Choosing the Location for an Overseas Career 

Depending on your field of work, you need to research where in the world is a thriving hub for your career path. You want to situate yourself for success, and your best chance is to find a city that will support your career.  

Start-up hubs are located around the world. Cities such as San Francisco, Singapore, and London boast vast job opportunities overseas. However, these hubs can also be expensive when it comes to the cost of living due to the high demand. Do your research, so that any job offer you receive ensures your salary covers more than just your daily expenses. 

Finding an Employer for Your Career Goals 

Once you have a target city that you want to move to, next is to search for the right company for you. Make a shortlist of companies that will recognize your potential. Prioritize start-ups that are on the rise. You want to set your sights on a company that is growing in success, is continually increasing its workforce, and has an expansion strategy. 

Reach out to current or former employees of your target company to find out what working culture is like, and if it is a match for you. 

Making Your Pitch

So, you have your preferred city and a shortlist of companies. Next is to identify your position. Check the company for openings that may suit your skills. But, do not be shy about taking on a role for yourself in the company. For example, you are in marketing, and the company you are eyeing has not yet built its marketing department. You could reach out to someone high up in the company, and pitch yourself, your skills, and experience as an asset they wouldn’t want to miss out on.  


Start-ups are great places to work. Those who are lucky to be recruited abroad do not only get to work in a dynamic environment. They are also able to contribute to the growth of a company that they believe in. It may be challenging initially as you deal with a new culture, new surroundings, and a high cost of living. As time goes by, if you choose to return to your home country, you will reap the rewards of invaluable experience and knowledge.

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